

At Rawmona’s Kitchen, we create mexican-inspired sweets + treats using Mamma Earth’s Magic, intended to celebrate the sweetness of life. Rawmona, who represents the playful, creative, wise + sensitive inner child that lives within each + every one of us, creates treats to nourish your heart, mind + soul using organic ingredients, medicinal herbs, functional mushrooms + spices + fruits + flowers, reminding us of our connection to the Earth + the healing magic in Nature’s medicine.

Everything at Rawmona’s Kitchen is handmade in small batches, using no gluten, dairy, grain, soy, refined sugar, artificial colorings or flavorings. We infuse our food with loads of love + a touch of magic, drawing inspiration from the deep connection to the Earth I inherited from my ancestors. At my family’s Hacienda, my grandfather + his family grew mangos, chiles and all sorts of produce + had tons of animals around the farm. My grandma made everything from scratch using eggs, milk, and all other ingredients from the ranch to make butter, ice cream, jam, the best arroz con leche and the most delicious food. Food is a big part of Mexican culture and we are always finding reasons to cook, gather, celebrate, + eat + drink for hours.

Not surprisingly, I was born with this love for food + started baking + creating in the kitchen when I was a child. I took my first cooking class when I was 8, keeping a notebook with all my recipes. I sold cookies outside my house and made a sign for my little business, which I called "Galletitas Riquiiiisimas", meaning "Deliiicious Cookies”, and as a teenager, I walked door to door selling my homemade cajeta (Mexican caramel sauce) jell-o. Through the years, I have spent countless hours playing + experimenting in the kitchen, I have worked as a food photographer + stylist, and have taken a good share of cooking + baking courses learning from amazing, talented teachers in Mexico, the USA and abroad, always dreaming of one day owning a bakery where people would come together to enjoy + celebrate even the simplest of moments.


…AND WHO is rawmona?

Besides running Rawmona’s Kitchen, I’m an artist. Rawmona is one of my creations. Playful, wise + sensitive, Rawmona represents the creative inner child that lives within each + every one of us: the little one who believes in the magic of the Universe + deeply understands her interconnectedness to all living beings. Rawmona’s Kitchen is the space for Rawmona to play and create food intended to not only nourish your body, mind and soul, but to remind you of the wisdom you carry within + your innate capacity to heal through your connection to the Natural kingdom.

Besides Rawmona’s Kitchen, I also illustrate for Rawmona and create jewelry using crystals + stones for Tiklari. If you wish to read + learn more about my work, please visit my website here.